Besfat Bisset

BESFAT BISSET 20142014 Age 23 years

BA in Languages from Dilla University

Besfat now has his degree, thanks to our support in his final year.

He continues with his dream to become a journalist. For the present, he is in full time employment as a manager with a beer distribution company.


Besfat Bisset

BESFAT BISSET 20132013 Age 22 years

Besfat was born in a rural area outside Lalibela. His parents are illiterate.

He has already completed 2 years at Dilla University where he is studying languages. He has ambition to become a journalist.

Since he was in grade 6 he has managed to continue in the education system by working in a café. In Dilla he works as a waiter in a night club. He is finding it increasingly difficult to continue with his education and has asked for our support.

It has been agreed to give him a monthly payment of 600 birr + 2 performance related bonuses of up to 400 birr each.