Our 2022 Graduates

Congratulations to the class of 2022

Continuing Undergraduates 2018

20 of our continuing students are in the University system this year.

It has been agreed that all these students will get a monthly payment of 700 birr with 2 performance related bonuses paying up to 400 birr each.

Mulugeta Seteye

2017 Aged 20

Mulugeta is from a very poor family in the village of Dibuko. He is one of 8 children. His father is a farmer and, when young, he helped his father with the animals. There was no money to support his education and he moved to Lalibela in order to find work as a labourer. The money he made supported him and his education.

In the grade 10 national exams, he scored straight As and was awarded a certificate of very great distinction.  Teachers at the preparatory school helped him through grades 11 and 12 by giving him pens, paper and often buying him a cup of coffee or tea. He did well in the grade 12 national exams and is now studying engineering at Addis Ababa Institute of Technology.

It has been agreed to support him with 600 birr per month.