Destaw Temesgen

DESTAW-TEMESGEN-20152105 Age 24

Destaw has graduated with a BSc in Civil Engineering with Distinction

He has been doing contract work in Addis Ababa.

The Ethiopian Roads Authority sponsor clever young engineers to do a masters degree. Destaw has made application and will hear in February whether, or not, he has been accepted. If he is accepted, his fees will be paid but he would need help towards his living expenses.

Continuing Undergraduates 2014

12 of our continuing students are in the University system this year. 7 of them are scheduled to graduate in July 2015 and we wish them every success.

As all our students are from very poor backgrounds, often with illiterate parents, their success is amazing. They all have a thirst for education and will hopefully have a future very different from that of their parents.

It has been agreed that all these students will get a monthly payment of 600 birr with 2 performance related bonuses paying up to 400 birr each.

Continuing Undergraduates 2013

10 of our continuing students are in the University system this year. The main reason for this is that we are now in our 5th year and our students are working hard, succeeding and moving on.

As all our students are from very poor backgrounds, often with illiterate parents, their success is amazing. They all have a thirst for education and will hopefully have a future very different from that of their parents.

It has been agreed that all these students will get a monthly payment of 600 birr with 2 performance related bonuses paying up to 400 birr each.

Destaw Temesgn Gelaye

DESTAW-TEMESGEN-GELAYE-20122012 Aged 21 Years

Destaw is now into his third year of a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at Addis Ababa University.

He has completed his second year with an average of 3.69 out of a possible 4 and has been graded with ‘great distinction’.

It has been agreed to continue his monthly payment of 600 Birr with 2 performance related bonuses, paying up to 400 Birr each.

Destaw Temesgn Gelaye

DESTAW-TEMESGEN-GELAYE-20112011 Age 20 Years

Destaw is doing a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at Addis Ababa University. He was one of the ‘extras’ we added to the fund last year and he has paid us back by scoring 3.67 out of a possible 4 for his first year of study. He has now been promoted to second year.

He is from a very poor family that is unable to give him much support. Our support of him is letting his family keep a younger brother in grade 11 at school.

He describes our help as the ‘backbone’ of his education. He says he has a lack of words to express just how grateful he is!
It has been agreed to continue his monthly payment of 600 Birr with 2 performance related bonuses, paying up to 400 Birr each.

Destaw Temesgn Gelaye

2010 Aged 19 years

Destaw made application for support from the scholarship fund. He was one of the 10 selected from the 61 applicants to have their form sent to the Scottish committee. At that time, he was not selected for support. His results in the grade 12 national examinations were excellent. He was the top scoring student in Lalibela. Because of this, it was decided to make an exception and give him support at University. He will get 600 Birr (£30) per month for the year. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 600 Birr each.

Destaw is from a very poor family in Debeko, which is 34 Km. from Lalibela. He supported himself through his education by teaching younger children. He hoped to get a place to study medicine, but the Government has allocated him a place at Addis Ababa University to study engineering. He is happy with this.

Unfortunately, he was not here to have his photograph taken, and is now in Addis Ababa. He is absolutely delighted to have been given the support.