Continuing Undergraduates 2014

12 of our continuing students are in the University system this year. 7 of them are scheduled to graduate in July 2015 and we wish them every success.

As all our students are from very poor backgrounds, often with illiterate parents, their success is amazing. They all have a thirst for education and will hopefully have a future very different from that of their parents.

It has been agreed that all these students will get a monthly payment of 600 birr with 2 performance related bonuses paying up to 400 birr each.

Continuing Undergraduates 2013

10 of our continuing students are in the University system this year. The main reason for this is that we are now in our 5th year and our students are working hard, succeeding and moving on.

As all our students are from very poor backgrounds, often with illiterate parents, their success is amazing. They all have a thirst for education and will hopefully have a future very different from that of their parents.

It has been agreed that all these students will get a monthly payment of 600 birr with 2 performance related bonuses paying up to 400 birr each.

Teshale Achenef Melaku

TESHALE-ACHENEF-MELAKU-20122012 Age 22 years

Teshale has had a very difficult life in his early years. He always yearned for education but was beaten by his father when he attended school rather than looking after the animals. His father died, his mother abandoned him and he had very little to look forward to.

An uncle in Lalibela took him in and he had the role of servant in the household. This did, however, let him access education. Against all odds, he has now been accepted to Debre Birhan University to study Economics.

It has been agreed to give him 600 birr per month + 2 performance related bonuses of up to 400 birr each.