Getanu Getnu

graduates-2012Diploma 3, Textiles
Vocational School, Lalibela

Getanu has graduated from the vocational school in Lalibela with a diploma 3 in textiles. He is setting up a traditional weaving loom at Ben Abeba restaurant, where he will give demonstrations to tourists and, hopefully, have a market place for his produce.

Getanu Getnu

GETANU-GETNU-20112011 Age 19 Years

Getanu is studying textiles at the local vocational school. He has completed his first year with a mark of 30 out of a possible 32. Second year has started but, at the present time, there is no lecturer for textiles at the college. The director of the college is giving the students access to the room in order that they can practice. Hopefully, there will be a lecturer soon.

Getanu lives in Asheten, a mountain overlooking Lalibela. He has used some of his money to buy eucalyptus trees for the compound of his house. This will attract more rain. He has also bought, and is looking after, 2 sheep.

It has been agreed to continue his support of 500 Birr per month for a second year with 2 performance related bonuses, paying up to 250 Birr each.

Getanu Getnu

GETANU-GETNU-20102010 Age 18 years

Getanu sat his grade 10 National examinations in June. Unfortunately, he did not achieve a high enough grade to get a place in grade 11. (200 students out of the 2,000 in grade 10 achieve a place).

He has successfully got a place in the Vocational School to study textiles. He is studying his grade 10 work at night school and will re-sit his grade 10 national exams in June.

It has been agreed to support him for the year. He will get 500 Birr (£25) per month and two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 250 Birr each.

Getanu Getnu

GETANU-GETU-20092009 Age 17 years

Getanu’s parents live and work as farmers in a small village called Koyta which is 2 Km. from Lalibela. They are very poor. His elder sister works as a servant in Lalibela for no pay. She gets her board and keep in return for work. His younger brother, aged 12, is deaf.

When there is no school, Getanu works as a labourer to earn money to help support his family.

Getanu has successfully completed grade 9 and is moving into grade 10 this year. It has been agreed to give him 500 Birr every month (£25), with an incentive bonus of 500 Birr on successful completion of grade 10.