Fund Report 2023

Image: September 2023 student meeting with Teshale, Fund Manager

A peace treaty was signed at the end of 2022 and everything started to return to normal.  Unfortunately a new conflict started in July 2023 between the government militia and the Amhara regional militia. Lalibela has been one of the main conflict areas. I arrived in Ethiopia in the middle of August with the aim to be in Lalibela for the meeting with the students. The war has made it impossible for me to go to Lalibela and at the time of writing, mid November, I am still in Addis Ababa.

Teshale organised and conducted the meeting himself. I am delighted that 37 of our students managed to attend.

We started in September 2022 supporting 48 students.

Bayush Achenef decided to leave school and start working. Biruk Behayilu took the opportunity to move to Poland. Both are no longer supported.

Four of our students graduated from University.

We therefore have 42 continuing students. 9 new students have been accepted into the fund. This means we started in September 2023 supporting 51 students.

13 students are in University, 10 at College and 28 are in the school system.

Many congratulations to Zuriash Abebe who was the top student in Lalibela in her grade 12 national exam and is now studying Dentistry at Addis Ababa University.

Between September 2009 and August 2023, the fund has supported 122 students for a total of 431 years of support. 74 students have completed their studies, 55 with University degrees and 11 with College diplomas.

All this is only possible because of the support everyone generously gives. I am aware of the restrictions COVID made to fund raising activities and am delighted that these are taking place again. A particular thank you to all those who donate monthly via a standing order.

Last year 765,170 birr was distributed which is approximately £12,000.

The fund could not operate without the team of people who give their time to ensure the smooth operation. Many thanks to June, Margaret and Joan who keep everything running in Scotland and to Tefera , Habtamu and Teshale who look after everything in Ethiopia. Thanks to Getnet for the support he gives to the Ethiopian committee. Thanks also to Simon, in London, who donates his time and his computing skills to keep the website updated. Thanks to Isobel for verifying our annual accounts.


You can download the full SASF Fund Report 2023 as a PDF for printing or offline viewing

If you are able to help us then please use our Just Giving fund raising account to contribute.