Mebratu Tsehaynew

MEBRATU-TSEHAYNEW-20122012 Age 22 years

Mebratu is studying Biology in the Kombolcha campus of Wollo University. He has completed second year with a mark of 2.98 out of a possible 4.

He was home for 2 months in the summer, but has now returned to Kombulcha to start his third year studies.

It has been agreed to continue his monthly payment of 600 Birr with 2 performance related bonuses, paying up to 400 Birr each.

Mebratu Tsehaynew

MEBRATU-TSEHAYNEW-20112011 Age 21 years

Mebratu is studying Biology in the Kombolcha campus of Wollo University. He has completed first year with a mark of 2.98 out of a possible 4.

He was home for 2 months in the summer, but has now returned to Kombulcha to start his second year studies.

It has been agreed to continue his monthly payment of 600 Birr with 2 performance related bonuses, paying up to 400 Birr each.

Mebratu Tsehaynew

MEBRATU-TSEHAYNEW-20102010 Age 20 years

Mebratu has now successfully completed grade 12. In his report of the year, he says that the £25 per month we have given him has allowed him to live a ‘luxurious life’. ‘Luxurious’ is not as we understand! I know that the money has been used to rent a room in Lalibela and that one of his sisters, and a school friend, have also been staying there, at no cost. The £25 has therefore been supporting 3 young people.

The money has enabled Mebratu to concentrate on his studies. Unfortunately, he did not get a high enough grade to be accepted to study Computer Science at University, which was his dream. He has, however, been given a place at Dessie University to study Computational Science (Maths and Sciences in addition to a teaching qualification). He is very happy with this. It has been agreed to give him 600 Birr (£30) per month for the year. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 600 Birr each.

Mebratu Tsehaynew

MEBRATU-TSEHAYNEW-20092009 Age 19 years

Mebratu’s family live in a village about 30 Km. from Lalibela. His parents are farmers and are illiterate. He is the second of 10 children. His older brother scored high enough grades to further his education, but dropped out as there was no money to support. The parents would like Mebratu to leave school, get married and become a farmer.

Mebratu is determined to succeed. Last year he was successful in getting a place in grade 11 and has managed to complete this, finishing in 22nd. place out of 200 students.

During term time, he stays with a relative in Lalibela. As the relative is very poor, he asked for money to pay rent and to buy food. His ambition is to go to University next year and study Computer Science. It has been agreed to give him 500 Birr every month (£25), with an incentive bonus of 500 Birr on successful completion of grade 12.