Yonas Gedamu

YONAS-GEDAMU-20102010 Age 20 years

Yonas has now successfully completed the first year of his 7 year, medical course at Gonder University. He scored 3.28 out of a possible 4, which is excellent as Gonder is one of the top Universities for Medicine in Ethiopia.

He cites photocopying as one of his biggest expenses, due to the lack of available information. He is also using the money to pay for computer training.

He would like to take this opportunity to thank Claire Burnett for the books she sent to him. They have been very useful.

Yonas is now back at University and started into the year 2 studies. It has been agreed to give him 600 Birr (£30) per month for the year. There will also be two, performance related, incentive bonuses, paying up to 600 Birr each.