Fund Report 2016

What a crowd! The photograph was taken at our annual meeting in September and shows our Ethiopian committee, Tefera, Habtamu and Teshale, with some of our existing and some of our new students.

In 2015/2016, we supported a total of 40 students and paid to them the equivalent of £11,342. 8 graduated from University, 3 with BSc degrees in Engineering, 1 with BSc in Chemistry, 1 with BSc in Animal Science, 2 with BA degrees in Management and 1 with a BA degree in Economics. One girl, unfortunately, did not complete her university course.

We supported Fiker Getnet last year to study Electrical Engineering at the Maritime Academy in Addis Ababa. He successfully completed his course and is now on the high seas, last heard of in China.

Destaw Temesgen graduated in 2015 with a BSc in Civil Engineering. He was working in Addis Ababa but competed, and won, a scholarship from the Ethiopian Roads Authority and is now back at University, studying for his Masters degree. Two of our students were unsuccessful in getting a place in grade 11. They have left the fund.

Two of our students, who were unsuccessful in gaining a place in grade 11, have joined the local FE College and we have agreed to support them throughout their programme. One girl from grade 12 did not get a place at University and we are continuing to support her at the Medical College in Dessie, where she is studying nursing.

28 of our students are continuing in the fund in session 2016/2017. We have taken on 16 new students and are therefore supporting 44 young people this year. 17 are at University, 4 are at college and 23 are in various stages of the school system.

Many thanks to our committees, June, Margaret and Morag in Scotland and Tefera, Habtamu and Teshale in Ethiopia. They all contribute their time to ensure the smooth operation of the fund.

The fund was started because of the generosity of the members of Hamilton Bridge Club. A Bridge tournament was again held this year and the proceeds were added to the fund. Thanks to everyone who has donated throughout the year. There are far too many to mention here but I hope that you have all had a personal thank you. Without your donations there would be no fund and these young people would not get the support they need to give them the chance of a life out of poverty.


You can download the full SASF Report 2015-2016 as a PDF for printing or offline viewing