Tarko Naguse

TARKO-NAGUSE-20092009 Age 19 years

Tarko is from a very poor farming background. The family are unable to support his education. In addition to his studies, he has worked as a labourer to earn enough money to live.

He was 8th. in his class in grade 9 with an average of 65%. Unfortunately his results in the National exams for grade 10 were not good enough to let him progress to grade 11.

It has been agreed to allocate him 500 Birr per month (£25) on 2 conditions. He must enrol and attend a one year course at vocational school. He must resit the grade 10 national exams next June. If he successfully completes the year and gets high enough grades to progress to grade 11 next year, he will be given a bonus of 500Birr.

Eyerus Sisay

EYERUS-SISAY-20092009 Age 15 years

Eyerus lives in Lalibela with an elderly aunt and uncle and their children. Her father died when she was 3 months old and her mother abandoned her when she was 6 months old. She has no contact with her mother. Her uncle is 80 years old and is now too old for labouring work.

In addition to her studies, Eyerus has gone to the hills, collecting firewood to sell, and thus helping to support the family.

Eyerus has done well in the grade 10 National exams. She has achieved a place in grade 11. It has been agreed to give her 500 Birr every month (£25), with an incentive bonus of 500 Birr on successful completion of grade 11.

Baye Tesfaw

BAYE-TESFAW-20092009 Age 15 years

Baye is a clever boy from a very poor farming family. He has successfully completed the National exams for grade 8 and is ready to move into grade 9 this year.

As the family have no money to support his education, money from the fund will give him the opportunity to continue with his studies.

It has been agreed to give him 500 Birr every month (£25), with an incentive bonus of 500 Birr on successful completion of grade 9.

Getanu Getnu

GETANU-GETU-20092009 Age 17 years

Getanu’s parents live and work as farmers in a small village called Koyta which is 2 Km. from Lalibela. They are very poor. His elder sister works as a servant in Lalibela for no pay. She gets her board and keep in return for work. His younger brother, aged 12, is deaf.

When there is no school, Getanu works as a labourer to earn money to help support his family.

Getanu has successfully completed grade 9 and is moving into grade 10 this year. It has been agreed to give him 500 Birr every month (£25), with an incentive bonus of 500 Birr on successful completion of grade 10.