Sefi Kelemu Mekonen

SEFI KELEMU MEKONEN  20142014 Age 18 years

Sefi is from a village called Sorba which is 30 Km. from Lalibela. She is one of 6 children and has elderly, very poor, parents.

She completed her elementary education in Sorba. Her parents then wanted her to marry a local farmer that she didn’t know. Sefi did not want this and wanted to continue with her education. She therefore moved into Lalibela and has managed to complete grades 9 and 10. Every week she walks 3 or 4 times to her parents in order to get some food.

She has now gained a place in grade 11 and will hopefully be going to University in 2 years time.

It has been agreed to give her a payment of 500 birr per month with 2 performance related payments of up to 250 birr each.