Mareg Agaze

MAREG AGAZE  20142014 Age 20 years

Mareg’s parents both died when he was 10 years old. A neighbouring farmer took him in and allowed him to attend school up to grade 5 in return for him looking after the animals. Unfortunately the farmer couldn’t afford to keep him and he had to move into Lalibela town.

He struggles to find work as a labourer in order to have money to live. He has tried hard to continue his education. Last year, he was 7th. out of 53 students in grade 9.

It has been agreed to give him a payment of 500 birr per month with 2 performance related payments of up to 250 birr each in order that he can continue this year in grade 10 and, hopefully, next year be successful in gaining a place in preparatory school.